Session View

Wednesday 07 September, Afternoon

Session 1: Chromosomes and genome regulation

Thursday 08 September, Morning

Session 2: Organelle and cell regulation

Thursday 08 September, Afternoon

Session 4: The Carl Singer session – flash poster presentations

The session will be supported by the Carl Singer Foundation. Carl Singer was known for attending talks in a bowler hat and performing the occasional dance routine. Since then Singer Instruments has lived up to this legacy by making every conference as memorable as possible. To make the process of giving a flask talk less daunting, flash presenters will be tasked with a secret objective during their flash talk. If they manage to achieve it, they could win a prize!


Friday 09 September, Morning

Lecture View

Wednesday 07 September, Afternoon

Thursday 08 September, Morning

Thursday 08 September, Afternoon

Friday 09 September, Morning