The Microbiology Society responds to the Welsh Government’s draft Innovation Strategy

10 October 2022


The Microbiology Society has coordinated a response to a call for input launched by the Welsh Government about their draft Innovation strategy.

A thriving innovation culture champions research and empowers researchers in order to drive new scientific discoveries and ultimately deliver benefits to wider society. A deep, broad research base is an essential component for a fruitful innovation ecosystem and is necessary to ensure that society is equipped to face future challenges. The Welsh Government’s draft strategy aims to foster a vibrant innovation culture in a stronger, fairer, greener Wales. It is focused around seven themes envisioning a future in which Wales is: prosperous, healthy, resilient, brimming with Welsh culture, more equal, cohesive and globally responsible.

The Microbiology Society has over 140 members in Wales, who have expertise spanning many fields, experience living and working in Wales and a willingness to engage with national policy. Their knowledge is therefore valuable and can be harnessed to contribute to government strategy. In our response we spotlight the perspectives of those who responded to our call for input, share their knowledge and highlight key issues that matter to them.

Certain themes come up repeatedly in our response, most notably the need for increased opportunities for collaboration; increased investment in Welsh science; a more balanced allocation of funding along the innovation pipeline from basic research through to commercialisation; and more visible pathways to engage the next generation of innovators. We encourage the Welsh Government to include healthcare and infection science in Wales’ areas of strength, to invest in preventative and proactive healthcare for an aging population and to take inspiration from other successful devolved nations.

You can read our full response to the Welsh Government’s consultation on their draft Innovation Strategy in the policy docuements area of our website.

We greatly appreciate this opportunity to contribute to policy at a national scale and will continue to seek opportunities to represent our members in Wales.


Image: iStock/jmci.