Benefit highlights

Network with fellow microbiologists and update your knowledge

  • Access to Mi Society, our exclusive members’ online area, which features resources, How-to guides, support toolkits and recorded presentations from previous events.
  • Access to our Educators Network, a group of teaching-active members who share resources and best practice in higher education teaching.
  • Access to the Members’ Directory, which allows you to connect with other members and build your presence within the microbiology community.
  • Eligibility to join our thriving Early Career Microbiologists’ Forum.

Event registration and Article Processing Charge discounts

  • Discounted registration for Society events, including Annual Conference.
  • Exclusive discounts on article processing charges to publish in any Society journal if you are not already covered by your institution’s Publish and Read deal.

This is an exclusive offer for members who publish via our Gold Open Access option in any of the following journals. Find out how to submit an article to the journal relevant for you.

If you require any further information, please contact us by email: 

Professional Development Opportunities, Grants and many more

  • Opportunity for members at any career stage to shadow our Council and Committees to find out how the Society works.
  • Opportunity to run for election for our Advisory Council, Committees and Divisions and to be an Editor-in-Chief of one of our journals. 
  • Eligibility to apply for Microbiology Society grants
  • Eligibility to apply for Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS) funding.

As the Microbiology Society is a member of the Federation of European Microbiology Societies (FEMS), our members are able to benefit from the following:

  • Open opportunities to participate in network teams and activities 
  • Eligible to apply for grants (see our article in Microbiology Today
  • Discounts to attend the Congress 
  • 25% discount on OUP books - certain titles are excluded
  • Register to receive regular education bulletins, microbiology news and FEMS activities

Protistology UK membership: Society members with a special interest in protists can join Protistology UK at no extra charge.