Microbiology Society Microbial Genomics Roadshow 2023 – Cambridge
12 Sep - Selwyn College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK

As part of our commitment to developing, expanding and strengthening the vast networks and opportunities available to our members and local communities, the Microbiology Society is pleased to announce the second President’s Roadshow of 2023, to be hosted by Éva Bernadett Bényei (University of Cambridge, UK, Early Career Microbiologists Forum Executive Committee member and Impact and Influence Committee ECM representative), Dr Josie Bryant (Wellcome Sanger Institute, UK and Microbial Genomics editor), Professor Sam Sheppard (University of Oxford, UK and Microbial Genomics Editor-in-Chief) and Dr Lucy Weinert (University of Cambridge, UK and Microbial Genomics editor),
Published by the Microbiology Society, Microbial Genomics pioneers all areas of genome research spanning the breadth of microbial life including viruses, bacteria, archaea and microbial eukaryotes. Content ranges from comparative and functional genomics of model organisms to population-scale evolution, epidemiology and microbiome studies, and real-world genomics applications with clinical, veterinary or environmental relevance.

At this Roadshow, President Professor Gurdyal S. Besra will provide insights into his journey as a Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB) researcher; attendees will have the opportunity to join discussions with the President and members of the Microbial Genomics Editorial Board, find out more about the wide range of opportunities at the Society and network with other local microbiologists. For the first time at a Roadshow, there will also be a panel discussion about moving from academia to industry, particularly relevant for anyone interested in making a career move.
The event will take place on Tuesday 12 September at Selwyn College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
During the event, you will have an opportunity to:
- Meet the President, Professor Gurdyal S. Besra FMedSci FRS.
- Network with local like-minded people.
- Find out why microbiology and being part of the Microbiology Society matters.
- Learn more about the Microbial Genomics journal and meet the Editorial Board.
- Learn how to get more involved with the Society and find out more about the wide range of opportunities at the Society to advance your career, build your networks, raise your profile and communicate your work.
- Discover more about publishing for the community and how you can support your Society.
Who should attend?
Anyone with an interest in microbiology or wanting to find out more about the Microbiology Society.
All Roadshow events are free to attend. You will need to register in advance for catering purposes, so that numbers can be limited to allow for the best networking and engagement during the event.
Early registration is advised as places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
For any further enquiries, please contact [email protected].
*Please note the programme is subject to change.
09:30–10:00 | Registration and refreshments | |
10:00–10:10 | Welcome and overview |
Dr Peter Cotgreave (Microbiology Society, UK) Éva Bernadett Bényei (University of Cambridge, UK, Early Career Microbiologists Forum Executive Committee member and Impact and Influence Committee ECM representative) |
10:10–10:40 | My Academic Journey as a TB Researcher followed by Q&A and discussion | Professor Gurdyal S. Besra (University of Birmingham, UK and Microbiology Society President) |
10:40–11:10 | Networking and refreshments | |
11:10–12:30 | Get involved session | Chaired by Dr Lucy Weinert (University of Cambridge, UK and Microbial Genomics editor) |
11:10–11:20 | Publishing for the Community | Professor Alan McNally (University of Birmingham, UK and Microbial Genomics Deputy Editor-in-Chief) |
11:20–11:30 | Making the most of your membership with Society grants |
Dr Jordan Skittrall (University of Cambridge, UK and grant recipient) Dr Tom Wilkes (Cranfield University, UK and grant reviewer) |
11:30–11:40 | Adding value – participating in the Society’s governance | Dr Jack Ferguson (University of Birmingham, UK, Early Career Microbiologists' Forum Executive Committee member and Virus Division ECM representative) |
11:40–11:50 | Getting involved in the Society’s policy work | Katie O’Connor (Microbiology Society, UK) |
11:50–12:00 | Supporting the careers of early career microbiologists | Éva Bernadett Bényei (University of Cambridge, UK, Early Career Microbiologists Forum Executive Committee member and Impact and Influence Committee ECM representative) |
12:00–12:30 | Panel discussion: From academia to industry |
Confirmed panellists:
12:30–13:00 | Speed networking | |
13:00–13:45 | Lunch and networking | |
13:45–14:35 | Microbial Genomics session | Chaired by Dr Josie Bryant (Wellcome Sanger Institute, UK and Microbial Genomics editor) |
13:45–14:00 | The birth of the Microbial Genomics journal and contribution to an emerging field of research | Professor Stephen Bentley (Wellcome Sanger Institute, UK and Microbial Genomics founding Editor) |
14:00–14:15 | Antimicrobial resistance (meta)genomic epidemiology – what should we be worried about? | Professor Alison Mather (Quadrum Institute, UK) |
14:15–14:30 | The study of the Strep A upsurge: from genomics to infection models | Dr Claire Turner (University of Sheffield, UK and Microbial Genomics editor) |
14:30–14:35 | Thank you for attending and next steps |
Dr Josie Bryant (Wellcome Sanger Institute, UK and Microbial Genomics editor) Dr Peter Cotgreave (Microbiology Society, UK) |
14:35–15:00 | Networking and refreshments |
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Quarry Whitehouse Auditorium
Selwyn College
University of Cambridge
Grange Road
Quarry Whitehouse Auditorium can be accessed via Ann's Court Gate on Grange Road (number 16 on the map provided below).

Travelling by public transport
To plan your journey you can use the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority Transport website for assistance.
Selwyn College is a 35 minute walk or 20 minute bus journey (approx) from Cambridge Train Station.
Car parking
Limited on street parking is available on the roads surrounding Selwyn College.