Microbiology Today magazine
Microbiology Today was the Society's membership magazine. The magazine aimed to provide informative and enjoyable broad-interest articles for all readers, including parliamentarians and policy-makers. Each issue focused on a topic, and topics were chosen with the aim of covering all fields of microbiology.
Features in Microbiology Today have included:
- Themed feature articles on the topic of the issue.
- News focusing on members and the Society.
- Articles covering a wide range of subjects representing the interests of members, from publishing and policy to career advice and public engagement.
- Comment for airing opinions, including more controversial views.
In place of Microbiology Today we welcome contributions from our members to Micro Perspectives, magazine-style content that is published via our journals website. Published articles are provided with a DOI, which we recognise may be helpful for those not yet ready or able to publish a full research article. We welcome all magazine-style content, including ‘hot topics’ and opinion pieces.
Submissions should be of general interest to our members, other researchers, and sometimes the general public, and be an enjoyable read. For more information, it can be provided by Society staff and by the Editor of Magazine Content, Victoria Easton.