Early bird registration closes in less than one week for Genomes of Microbiomes

29 July 2022

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Early bird registration rates for ‘Genomes of Microbiomes' closes on Thursday 4 August. Register now to enjoy the discounted rate for your attendance.

Register now

The Focused Meeting will take place 15–16 September 2022 at Edgbaston Park Hotel and Conference Centre, Birmingham, UK. The meeting provides a forum for discussion of the impact of MAGs, including how they should be incorporated into public databases, metagenomics advances in general, and the contributions technologies are making toward more readily achieving complete microbial genome sequence assemblies.

The key topics for the meeting include:

  • Microbial ecology
  • Microbial communities in health and disease
  • Evolution and microbial diversity
  • Metagenomics
  • Metagenome assembled genomes

Follow us on Twitter to stay up to date with ‘Genomes of Microbiomes’ using the hashtag #GenomesMicrobiome22. We will also be sharing stories on Instagram throughout the event.