Introducing JMM Profiles
24 March 2021
We are pleased to announce JMM Profiles, the newest type of article to come to the Journal of Medical Microbiology. These are short articles, similar to Microbe Profiles in Microbiology to describe a pathogen (Pathogen Profile), an antimicrobial (Antimicrobial Profile) or a diagnostic tool (Diagnostic Profile).
These manuscripts will be initially written by Editors and their collaborators, to bring you the world of pathogens from an epidemiological perspective, to examine how antimicrobials attack their targets and to describe how a technique, tool or machine produces a result.
Our first JMM Profile, a pathogen profile on the SARS-CoV-2 virus and COVID-19 written by Dr Tim Inglis, has been published today.
Co-Editor-in-Chief Norman Fry of JMM said of the introduction of this series: “We are pleased to launch this venture with a Pathogen Profile on SARS-CoV-2 by Professor Tim Inglis (JMM Section Editor) and Professor Kalai Mathee (JMM co-Editor-in-Chief). The COVID-19 pandemic has affected us all, and never has the spotlight been more intensely pointed at medical microbiologists.” You can read more about the JMM Profiles in the full Editorial written by Norman Fry.
Image: Sam Fenn using BioRender.