Protistology-UK and the Microbiology Society announce new partnership
13 September 2018

The Microbiology Society and Protistology-UK (formerly the British Society for Protist Biology), have formed a new partnership, with the Protistology-UK annual meeting taking place at the Microbiology Society Annual Conference from 2019 to 2021.
Protistology-UK membership fees will be incorporated into the Microbiology Society fee structure and members will benefit from the discounted members’ rate to attend Annual Conference and a host of opportunities for members supported by the Microbiology Society to bring together and empower communities that shape the future of microbiology.
As well as bringing the Protistology-UK annual meeting to the Microbiology Society Annual Conference, the two organisations will continue to look for other ways in which they can collaborate to benefit their members. The Protistology-UK name will be retained and the partnership arrangements will be reviewed after three years.
Protistology-UK is a membership organisation for scientists and amateurs interested in all areas of protistology; from ecological to medical and from sub-cellular to population studies. The Society primarily exists to support and promote protistan research and teaching in the UK, but a key aim is to encourage the development of young scientists.
The Microbiology Society is a membership charity for scientists interested in microbes, their effects and their practical uses. It is one of the largest microbiology societies in Europe with a worldwide membership based in universities, industry, hospitals, research institutes and schools.
The Microbiology Society’s principal goal is to develop, expand and strengthen the networks available to our members so that they can generate new knowledge about microbes and ensure that it is shared with other communities. The impacts from this will drive us towards a world in which the science of microbiology provides maximum benefit to society.