Focused Meetings and Events update
Issue: Imaging
13 February 2018 article

Focused Meetings 2018 – Call for abstracts
We are delighted to announce that you can now submit an abstract for our Focused Meeting programme 2018. By submitting an abstract you could have the opportunity to present your work alongside some of the leading scientists in your field, either as an offered talk or as a poster. Below is a recap of this year’s events. You can visit our website to find out more about each meeting and their topics.
Microbes and Mucosal Surfaces
O’Brien Centre for Science, University College Dublin, Ireland
Thursday 21 to Friday 22 June
British Yeast Group: Embracing Variation
Stamford Court, University of Leicester, UK
Wednesday 27 to Friday 29 June
Emerging Zoonoses and AMR: A Global Threat
School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Surrey, UK
Monday 2 July
Molecular Biology and Pathogenesis of Avian Viruses
St Catherine’s College, University of Oxford, UK
Monday 3 to Tuesday 4 September
9th International Symposium on Testate Amoebae (ISTA9): Recent Advances and Future Research Priorities
Riddel Hall, Belfast, UK
Monday 10 to Saturday 15 September
Microbiomes Underpinning Agriculture
The Kingsley Hotel, Cork, Ireland
Monday 1 to Tuesday 2 October