Grants & Events
Issue: Microbiology in Popular Culture
07 November 2017 article

Society-Supported Conferences 2017
These events are delivered by our members within their networks and institutions, and supported via our Society-Supported Conference Grants. The sponsorship ensured the Society could share information on the variety of events taking place in the microbiology community as well as providing a presence at the event.
Sponsorship of 15 events
40 days of science
Over 1,700 attendees
Below is a summary of the successful applications we sponsored this year:
The 2nd International Symposium on Stress-Associated RNA Granules in Human Disease and Viral Infection |
Young Microbiologists’ Conference (YMC) 2017 Beyond Petri dishes: Capacity Building for Applied Research |
24th International HIV Dynamics and Evolution Workshop |
Seventh Advanced Lecture Course on Human Fungal Pathogens: Molecular Mechanisms of Host–Pathogen Interactions and Virulence |
Staphylococcus Great Britain and Ireland 2017 |
The Annual Irish Fungal Society Conference 2017 |
London Microbiome Meeting |
15th UK Meeting on the Biology and Pathology of hepatitis C virus |
EMBO Conference – Anaerobic protists: Integrating parasitology with mucosal microbiota and immunology |
Exploiting Algae and marine biomass for Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy |
The Inaugural Glasgow Microbiology Collective |
The International Cancer Microbiome Consortium meeting 2017 |
Fungal Cell Wall 2017 Conference |
6th International Conference on Cell to Cell Communication in Bacteria |
Out of the Ordinary; Above Ordinary |
For further information on our Society-Supported Conference Grants visit our events pages on our website.
Our next Society Supported Conference Grants deadline is 15 December 2017 for consideration in January 2018.
Conference Grants
The Society offers a number of grants to support members presenting their research at our Annual Conference, Focused Meetings.
Society Conference Grants
Open to technicians, postdoctoral researchers or PhD students. This grant can also support those attending their first Society meeting, whether or not they are presenting.
Inclusion Grants
These grants support those who wish to attend any Society meeting but find that the costs of caring arrangements are getting in the way.
Travel Grants
To support eligible members to present at any Society Conference, but who are not eligible for Society Conference Grants.
For further information, including full eligibility criteria, please visit our website.