Early Career Forum
The Early Career (EC) Forum was established in 2016 to give early career members of the Society a way to influence our work. Every member starting out in their microbiology career is invited to join the Forum. Members of the Forum are kept in the loop about opportunities of interest within the Society, and are eligible to vote for the Executive Committee – a group of EC Forum members which steers the group.
Who can be part of the EC Forum?
All members of the Society are welcome to join the Forum. As a guide, we consider you an early career member if you’re an undergraduate or postgraduate student, or within five years of appointment to your first position after your highest qualification earned. However, if this doesn’t fit your situation and you consider yourself an early career scientist working in a microbiology, you are welcome to join. This group is not just for academic scientists. We want to take the views of all microbiologists, whether you are medical, clinical, veterinary, industrial or working in other relevant fields, into account as we make the Society work for you.
Why you should join
In addition to the benefits of the Society membership that all Society members enjoy, EC Forum member benefits include:
- Exclusive access to free places on selected training courses for core skills.
- Discounted access to EC-focused conferences and meetings including the flagship EC Forum Summer Conference.
- Eligibility for an EC Forum poster prize if presenting at the Annual Conference.
- Eligibility to apply for the EC Co-chairing Scheme at the Annual Conference.
- The right to run for a position and vote for your elected representatives on the Executive Committee and its subgroups.
Eligible EC Forum members who wish to organise a conference in any field of microbiology that links to the Microbiology Society strategy, either independently or in partnership with another Society may apply for funding via our Society supported conference grant scheme.
Eligibility to join the Champions Scheme. This Scheme is essential in helping to raise awareness of the Microbiology Society and microbiology. Champions do this in their local area by initiating activities and events of their own or participating in Society-led activities. Funding, guidance, and promotion is provided by the Society to support Champions to organise activities and an online community of other Champions allows them to network with microbiologists all over the world.
Watch our video below to find out what Former Early Career Forum Chair-Elect Colman O'Cathail has to say about the EC Forum.
Early Career Forum Executive Committee
The EC Forum Executive Committee contributes to the delivery of the Society’s strategic objectives by supporting the careers and professional development of microbiologists.
How do I sign up and join the EC Forum?
Find out how to sign up to the EC Forum.
Download and find links to resources related to the EC Forum.
EC Forum Summer Conference
Each year, the Early Career (EC) Forum hosts its flagship Summer Conference dedicated to showcasing early career research, career development and networking.
Safeguarding the Future of the Microbiology Research and Innovation Workforce
The Microbiology Society has published a position statement entitled ‘Safeguarding the Future of the Microbiology Research and Innovation Workforce’, calling for employers, funders and governments to prioritise and better support early career microbiologists (ECMs).
Meet the Executive Committee: iStock/millann.
How do I sign up to the EC Forum?: iStock/ArtemSam.
Resources: iStock.
EC Forum Online 2020 and EC Forum Online 2021: Microbiology Society.