OSTP policy guidance: How our journals support Open Access
16 September 2022
The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) has issued new policy guidance to federal agencies regarding their public access policies. By 2026, it will be a requirement for any federally funded research to be made immediately, fully accessible at the point of publication.
We at the Society welcome this national move towards further openness and transparency in research, as it aligns with our own mission to build sustainable Open Access (OA) models and to continue to offer platforms and services which support Open Science practices. Authors submitting to our journals or open research platform can already comply with this new policy by choosing to publish under one of our immediate OA options and by depositing their supporting data in our Figshare portal.
What’s more, as a Society publisher, income generated goes directly back to benefit microbiologists in the form of grants, events, prizes and further policy work. It also helps us to provide support through our inclusivity policy to ensure authors without institutional funding are not prevented from publishing in our journals.
Please continue to keep community publishing alive and healthy. Submit to our journals, increase the reach of your work and support your peers. You can also ask your library to help fund our OA initiatives through a Publish and Read agreement.
Microbiology Society journals:
- Microbial Genomics (fully OA)
- Access Microbiology, an open research platform (fully OA)
- Microbiology (fully OA from 2023)
- Journal of General Virology (hybrid)
- Journal of Medical Microbiology (hybrid)
- International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (hybrid)