Metabolic Warfare: Outmanoeuvring M. tuberculosis in the Fight Against Antibiotic Resistance
March 24, 2025
To mark World TB Day the Society asked Jordan Pascoe, whose research, 'Metabolism triggers phenotypic resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis', will be presented at the Microbiology Society's Annual conference, to provide insight into their research and the importance of understanding antibiotic resistance in TB.
Genomic Insights into Hypervirulent Klebsiella in Ireland
March 20, 2025
Mark Maguire takes us behind the scenes of their latest publication 'Genomic and phylogenetic analysis of hypervirulent Klebsiella pneumoniae ST23 in Ireland' published in Microbial Genomics.
Microbe Post: a message from the President
March 12, 2025
Professor Gordon Dougan, FRS, President of the Microbiology Society, looks forward to his first Annual Conference as President and reflects on his first few weeks in the role.
New species found in the most unexpected places
March 7, 2025
Each month, the Microbiology Society publishes the International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, which details newly discovered species of bacteria, fungi and protists. Here are some of the new species that have been discovered and the places they've been found.
Reflections on the WAAW @ MDX event
February 28, 2025
To mark World Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness Week (WAAW) 2024, the Society asked its Champions to submit their ideas for activities to promote WAAW, alongside our Knocking Out AMR project, in their local communities. There was a huge response, which resulted in a variety of outreach events, resource development and webinars taking place all over the world. In this series of blogs, we catch-up with some of the Champions who got involved. Below, you can find out how Champion, Dr Enas Newire (Middlesex University, London, UK) took on this challenge by hosting a week-long event at Middlesex University, UK.
Microbe Talk - Microbiome and thermal tolerance: a new frontier in climate resilience?
February 26, 2025
In this episode of Microbe Talk Clare speaks to Judy Li, author on the latest Microbial Primer: Microbiome and thermal tolerance – a new frontier in climate resilience? Clare and Judy chat about the paper, the relatively new field of study and the possible mechanisms of microbes buffering organisms against temperature changes.
Educating children on antimicrobial resistance in schools: a global initiative
February 20, 2025
To mark World Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness Week (WAAW) 2024, the Society asked its Champions to submit their ideas for activities to promote WAAW, alongside our Knocking Out AMR project, in their local communities. There was a huge response, which resulted in a variety of outreach events, resource development and webinars taking place all over the world. In this series of blogs, we catch-up with some of the Champions who got involved. Dr Bruno Silvester Lopes, Akpan Friday, Victory Igiku and Dr Michael Ogar collaborated internationally, to produce interactive sessions in schools in the UK and Nigeria.
WAAW 2024: AMR awareness with the young at heart
February 19, 2025
To mark World Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness Week (WAAW) 2024, the Society asked its Champions to submit their ideas for activities to promote WAAW, alongside our Knocking Out AMR project, in their local communities. There was a huge response, which resulted in a variety of outreach events, resource development and webinars taking place all over the world. In this series of blogs, we catch-up with some of the Champions who got involved. Dr Yinka Somorin, organised interactive sessions with students in schools in Accra, Ghana.