Issue: Metabolism, Health and Disease
07 May 2019 article

Nominate a deserving microbiologist for a Microbiology Society Prize Lecture
Nominations for the Prize Lectures 2020 and Prize Medal 2021 close on 10 June 2019, and are welcomed from all members. If you know a researcher whose work is deserving of recognition, nominate them on our website. The Society is committed to creating and encouraging a diverse and inclusive culture within our membership and the microbiology community. Please consider the full breadth of the field when making your nomination.
Access Microbiology – first articles online
The Microbiology Society’s newest journal, Access Microbiology, has published its first articles. Access Microbiology introduces a new service to members of our community, allowing the publication of replication studies, negative or null results, research proposals, data management plans, additions to established methods, and interdisciplinary work. To find out more about the journal, or to read the latest articles, visit the journals platform.
Society-Supported Conference Grants 2020
Members who are planning to organise a conference can apply for a grant of up to £2,000 towards funding the costs of invited speakers. Awards for 2019 meetings have been allocated, but applications are now welcome for meetings in 2020. Visit the grants area of the webiste for details.
FIS 2019
The Microbiology Society is proud to be hosting the Federation of Infection Societies (FIS) Conference 2019 this November at the EICC in Edinburgh, UK. Visit the event page to see what’s in store this year and submit an abstract to be part of this event. Registration opens in early June and abstracts will close on 5 August 2019. Follow us on Twitter @MicrobioSoc, using the hashtag #FIS19.
Focused Meeting 2020 proposals
Focused Meetings incorporate presentations from leading scientists with opportunities for those new to the field to present their research via offered talks and poster presentations. Applications to organise a Focused Meeting are invited from any field of microbiology and can be based around an established community, a hot topic or an emerging one. Find out more, including innformation about previous events, in the events area of the website. Send your proposal by 10 June 2019 for consideration by our Scientific Conferences Committee.
Funding for local events
Did you know that members of the Early Career Microbiologists’ (ECM) Forum have access to a special fund for their own events? Apply online for up to £500 to support local events that bring ECMs together.
Membership subscription rates
The Society is looking to align its membership subscription rates to ensure they comply with current legislation. We will no longer be offering reduced rates for members who elect to pay by direct debit. In future, all members will pay the same rates for their grade of membership, irrespective of the way they choose to pay. We will be communicating the new rates soon. If you have any queries, please contact [email protected].
Grant deadlines
Date |
Grant |
1 June 2019 |
Travel Grants to support members presenting at conferences or attending training courses from 1 July to 30 September. |
Various dates |
Society Conference Grants to attend a Focused Meeting this summer. |
A full list of grants deadlines can be found on the grants deadlines page of the website.