Building Communities Committee

 Reporting to Advisory Council, the Building Communities Committee is primarily responsible for overseeing the delivery of strategic objective one as written in the Society strategy:

Through a better understanding of the diversity of our members, we will enable them to strengthen their existing relationships and gain access to new communities, unlocking the potential for international collaboration and global knowledge exchange.

This involves driving content themes for events, journals and other activities as well as providing advice and expertise to Advisory Council. The Scientific Conferences Panel and Publishing Panel both report to the Building Communities Committee and are each chaired by one of the Committee co-Chairs.

The Committee membership includes representatives from each of the Society’s Divisions and Editorial Boards as a means of supporting cohesion across the Society’s programme of activities.

Building Communities Committee 2025

Kim Hardie

University of Nottingham, UK (co-Chair)

Kalai Mathee

Florida International University, USA (co-Chair)

Nicolas Locker 

Pirbright Institute, UK (co-Chair-Elect)

Sam Sheppard 

University of Oxford, UK

Tim Inglis

University of Western Australia, Australia

Andrew Preston 

University of Bath, UK

Ash Otter 

Public Health England, UK 

Matthew Reeves 

University College London, UK 

Jerry Reen 

University College Cork, Ireland 

Alison Smith 

University of Cambridge, UK 

Christopher Cooper 

CHARM Therapeutics, UK

Alan McNally 

University of Birmingham, UK 

Helina Marshall 

University of Strathclyde, UK 

Ankita Priyadarshini

Parul University, India

Paul Duprex 

University of Pittsburgh, USA 

Joey Shepherd 

University of Sheffield, UK 

Michael Ukwuru

The Federal Polytechnic Idah, Nigeria

Jagroop Pandhal

University of Sheffield, UK

Cheryl Walter

University of Hull, UK

Om Prakash

Symbiosis Centre for Climate Change and Sustainability, Symbiosis International (Deemed University), Pune, India

Daniel Larcombe

University of Strathclyde, UK

Justine Rudkin

University of Glasgow, UK

Skylar Gay

University of Virginia, USA

 Terms of Reference

Building Communities Committee Terms of Reference 2025.pdf

Thumbnail: iStock/ADragan.
Terms of reference: iStock/Gajus.