Governance vacancies
The deadline to apply for 2026 governance vacancies is 22 April 2025.
Every year, the Society runs elections and appointments to recruit new members to our governance structure. On this page, you can find a list of the vacancies available this year, information on how to apply, and details about the roles and how we will process your application. Following feedback from the 2024 recruitment process, we have made some changes this year to ease the administrative burden on applicants and to continue our commitment to EDI. You can read more about the process here.
There are many benefits to joining our governance structure. As well as the professional development and networking opportunities, we find that many members of our governance structure really enjoy becoming more connected to the Microbiology Society community while carrying out their roles. The vacancies available this year span the breadth of our Trustee Board, Advisory Council, Committees, Divisions, and Members Panel. We would love to hear from you, whether you have been involved with the Society’s governance before or it is your first time applying!
Available vacancies
We have 42 vacancies currently open for applications across our governance structure. For most positions, applications are welcome from Honorary, Full, Full Concessionary and Postgraduate Student members. However, all members can apply to join the Members Panel and any member of the Early Career Forum is eligible to apply for roles on the Early Career Forum Executive Committee (you can find out how to sign up on our EC Forum page). For some roles, we suggest you contact us to chat through the requirements and responsibilities before applying. Please get in touch with us by emailing [email protected] to set this up.
Please note that there is no requirement for you to have prior experience in our governance to apply. Reasonable expenses incurred to perform your role on behalf of the Society will always be covered, up to the limits set in our expenses policy.
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees provides the strategic direction of the Society and is responsible for its governance and financial sustainability. Board members bear the legal responsibilities of Trustees of the Charity and Directors of the Company and take a variety of important strategic and legal decisions on how the Society deploys its assets and supports its membership.
As well as accepting applications directly, we encourage members to reach out to us if they have any suggestions for people who they think could be strong candidates to become the General Secretary or Treasurer. If you have any potential candidates in mind, please contact [email protected], noting their name, institution and why you think they would be good for the position.
The General Secretary and Treasurer roles are appointed by the Board of Trustees and we may wish to schedule a meeting with potential candidates as part of the application process.
General Secretary
The General Secretary is one of three Executive Officers (with the President and Treasurer) and a key member of the Trustee Board and Advisory Council. The General Secretary is specifically responsible for convening and chairing several panels which consider and make recommendations for Prize Lectures, Honorary Membership Awards or governance appointments to the Advisory Council or Board of Trustees for decision or ratification.
One vacancy
Term of office is three years from January 2026–December 2028
Time commitment approximately 30 days per year
This position is appointed by the Board of Trustees, in consultation with the Advisory Council and on the recommendation of the Appointments Panel
Role description:

The Treasurer is one of three Executive Officers (with the President and General Secretary) and a key member of the Trustee Board and Advisory Council. The Treasurer also chairs the Finance Committee.
One vacancy
Term of office is one year as Treasurer-elect January to December 2026 and three years as Treasurer from January 2027 to December 2029
Time commitment approximately 30 days per year
This position is appointed by the Board of Trustees, in consultation with the Advisory Council and on the recommendation of the Appointments Panel
Role description:

Elected Member of the Board of Trustees
One vacancy
Term of office is three years from January 2026 to December 2028
Time commitment approximately 10–12 days per year
This vacancy is elected by the Advisory Council.
Role description:

Advisory Council
Advisory Council is responsible for delivering active engagement and insights on behalf of the microbiology community. Its composition includes 10 co-Chairs of our Committees, seven elected members and three Executive Officers. Advisory Council reports to the Board of Trustees.
Elected Members of Advisory Council
Elected Members may also choose to sit as a representative of on one of the Society’s Committees.
One vacancy
Term of office is three years, from January 2026 to December 2028
Time commitment approximately 8 days per year
This vacancy is elected by the membership.
Role description:

There are four other vacancies available on the Advisory Council this year:
Building Communities Committee co-Chair and Chair of Scientific Conferences Panel
Early Career Forum Executive Committee co-Chair
Members Panel co-Chair
Sustainability Committee co-Chair
Details can be found in their respective Committee sections below.
Building Communities Committee
The Building Communities Committee is responsible for driving content themes for events, journals and other activities to support the Society’s three main strategic objectives. The Committee works with the Scientific Conferences Panel and Publishing Panel to ensure their activities are aligned.
Learn more about the Building Communities Committee.

Co-Chair-elect and Chair-elect of Scientific Conferences Panel
By convention, the Chair rotates around the interests of the four Divisions. The current Chair works within prokaryotic microbiology and the current Chair-elect in virology so the Society is keen to receive applications for this role from those within eukaryotic microbiology and/or located on the island of Ireland. However, the primary concern is to ensure the best candidate for the role based on the skills required, so this should not be a barrier to application.
One vacancy
Term of office is two years from January 2026 to December 2027 as co-Chair-elect and a further two years from January 2028 to December 2029 as co-Chair
Time commitment approximately 12 days per year
This position is appointed by the Board of Trustees, in consultation with the Advisory Council on the recommendation of the Appointments Panel
Role description:

Early Career Forum Executive Committee
The Early Career Forum Executive Committee is responsible for ensuring that the views of the Early Career Forum are considered across all streams of the Society’s work to support the Society’s three main strategic objectives, including in the design and development of Society activities to advance careers in microbiology.
Learn more about the Early Career Forum Executive Committee.

The Early Career Forum Executive Committee has two co-Chairs who lead the Committee in representing the interests of early career microbiologists to the Society. They also sit on Advisory Council.
One vacancy
Sits on Advisory Council and the Early Career Forum Executive Committee
Term of office is six months as co-Chair-elect from July 2026 to December 2026, then two years as co-Chair from January 2027 to December 2028
Time commitment approximately 8 days per year
This vacancy is elected by the membership of the Early Career Forum.
Role description:

Committee and Division Representatives
The Early Career Forum Executive Committee and Division Representatives are each elected to sit on the Early Career Forum Executive Committee, as well as one other Committee or Division of the Society’s governance structure. They participate fully in both Committees/Divisions to represent the interests of early career microbiologists within the Society.
Role description for an EC Forum Executive Committee Member:

The following Committee and Division representative positions are available on the Early Career Forum Executive Committee:
Audit, Risk and Evaluation Committee Representative
One vacancy
Sits on the Early Career Forum Executive Committee and on Audit, Risk and Evaluation Committee
Term of office is two years, from January 2026 to December 2027
Impact and Influence Committee Representative
One vacancy
Sits on the Early Career Forum Executive Committee and on Impact and Influence Committee
Term of office is two years, from January 2026 to December 2027
Publishing Panel Representative
One vacancy
Sits on the Early Career Forum Executive Committee and on Publishing Panel
Term of office is two years, from January 2026 to December 2027
Scientific Conference Panel Representative
One vacancy
Sits on the Early Career Forum Executive Committee and on Scientific Conferences Panel
Term of office is two years, from January 2026 to December 2027
Sustainability Committee Representative
One vacancy
Sits on the Early Career Forum Executive Committee and on Sustainability Committee
Term of office is two years, from January 2026 to December 2027
Eukaryotic Division Representative
One vacancy
Sits on the Early Career Forum Executive Committee and on the Eukaryotic Division
Term of office is two years, from January 2026 to December 2027
Prokaryotic Division Representative
One vacancy
Sits on the Early Career Forum Executive Committee and on the Prokaryotic Division
Term of office is two years, from January 2026 to December 2027
Virus Division Representative
One vacancy
Sits on the Early Career Forum Executive Committee and on the Virus Division
Term of office is two years, from January 2026 to December 2027
These vacancies are elected by the membership of the Early Career Forum.
Members Panel
The Members Panel contributes to the delivery of the Society’s strategic objectives by bringing the perspectives of historically marginalised communities to the Society’s efforts. The Panel ensures that the Society is welcoming across all of its activities and that matters related to equality, diversity and inclusion receive due consideration at the highest level of Society governance.
Learn more about the Members Panel.

The Members Panel has two co-Chairs who lead the Panel and sit on the Advisory Council.
One vacancy
Term of office is three years from January 2026 to December 2028
Time commitment approximately 10 days per year
This vacancy is appointed by the Members Panel and the General Secretary.
Role description:

Panel Representatives
Panel Representatives sit on the Members Panel to provide their perspective and expertise in support of the Panel’s activities. Some Panel Representatives may also sit on other Committees or Divisions on the governance structure to keep them abreast of the Panel’s activities.
Six vacancies
Term of office is three years from January 2026 to December 2028
These vacancies are appointed by the Members Panel and the General Secretary.
Role description:

Sustainability Committee
The Sustainability Committee is responsible for developing the future leadership of the Society and for ensuring the long-term viability of our operations to support the Society’s three main strategic objectives.
Learn more about the Sustainability Committee.

The Sustainability Committee has two co-Chairs who lead the Committee and sit on the Advisory Council.
One vacancy
Term of office is one year as co-Chair elect from January to December 2026 and then three years as co-Chair from January 2027 to December 2029
Time commitment approximately 10 days per year
This position is appointed by the Board of Trustees, in consultation with the Advisory Council on the recommendation of the Appointments Panel
Role description:

Elected Members
Elected Members sit on the Sustainability Committee to represent the interests and views of the membership to the Committee.
Two vacancies
Term of office is three years from January 2026 to December 2028
These vacancies are elected by the membership.
Role description:

There is one additional vacancy available on the Sustainability Committee for a representative from the Early Career Forum. See the Early Career Forum Executive Committee section for details.
Eukaryotic Division
The Eukaryotic Division is one of the four Divisions which plan the scientific content for the Society’s conference and events programme. The Eukaryotic Division aims to promote eukaryotic microbiology in its widest context in fundamental, medical, applied and environmental aspects.
The Chair or Chair-elect of the Division can help and support you with your application. Members interested in joining the Eukaryotic Division are encouraged to email [email protected] to discuss the available roles.
Learn more about the Eukaryotic Division.

Each Division is led by a Chair and Chair-elect who also sit on the Scientific Conferences Panel. The Chair also sits on the Building Communities Committee.
One vacancy
Term of office is two years as Chair elect from January 2026 to December 2027 and then two years as Chair from January 2028 to December 2029
Time commitment approximately 20 days per year
This position is appointed by the Board of Trustees, in consultation with the Advisory Council and on the recommendation of the Appointments Panel.
Role description:

Elected Members
The Eukaryotic Division recruits Elected Members to advise on the various areas of experience and expertise within eukaryotic microbiology.
This year, the Eukaryotic Division is inviting applications from any member working in eukaryotic microbiology, but is especially keen to hear from those with knowledge of the following areas: translational microbiology, medical microbiology and/or applied microbiology.
Three vacancies
Any eukaryotic microbiologist can apply
Term of office is three years from January 2026 to December 2028
These vacancies are elected by the membership.
Role description:

There is one additional vacancy available on the Eukaryotic Division for a representative from the Early Career Forum. See the Early Career Forum Executive Committee section for details.
Irish Division
The Irish Division is one of the four Divisions which plan the scientific content for the Society’s conference and events programme. The Irish Division seeks to promote all aspects of microbiology in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.
The Chair or Chair-elect of the Division can help and support you with your application. Members interested in joining the Irish Division are encouraged to email [email protected] to discuss the available roles.
Learn more about the Irish Division.

Each Division is led by a Chair and Chair-elect who also sit on the Scientific Conferences Panel. The Chair also sits on the Building Communities Committee.
One vacancy
Term of office is two years as Chair-elect from January 2026 to December 2027 and then two years as Chair from January 2028 to December 2029
Time commitment approximately 20 days per year
This position is appointed by the Board of Trustees, in consultation with the Advisory Council and on the recommendation of the Appointments Panel.
Role description:

Elected Members
The Irish Division recruits Elected Members to represent microbiologists from different geographical areas within Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.
Three vacancies
Candidates must be based in Cork, Dublin or Northern Ireland
Term of office is three years from January 2026–December 2028
These vacancies are elected by the membership.
Role description:

Prokaryotic Division
The Prokaryotic Division is one of the four Divisions which plan the scientific content for the Society’s conference and events programme. The Prokaryotic Division comprises scientists working in the major areas of bacterial and archaeal microbiology.
The Chair or Chair-elect of the Division can help and support you with your application. Members interested in joining the Prokaryotic Division are encouraged to email [email protected] to discuss the available roles.
Learn more about the Prokaryotic Division.

Each Division is led by a Chair and Chair-elect who also sit on the Scientific Conferences Panel. The Chair also sits on the Building Communities Committee.
One vacancy
Term of office is two years as Chair-elect from January 2026 to December 2027 and then two years as Chair from January 2028 to December 2029
Time commitment approximately 20 days per year
This position is appointed by the Board of Trustees, in consultation with the Advisory Council and on the recommendation of the Appointments Panel.
Role description:

Elected Members
Three vacancies
Seeking candidates working in industry and/or working in general prokaryotic microbiology
Term of office is three years from January 2026 to December 2028
These vacancies are elected by the membership.
Role description:

There is one additional vacancy available on the Eukaryotic Division for a representative from the Early Career Forum. See the Early Career Forum Executive Committee section for details.
Virus Division
The Virus Division is one of the four Divisions which plan the scientific content for the Society’s conference and events programme. The Virus Division promotes fundamental studies of the natural history, cellular and molecular biology, immunology and molecular pathogenesis of viruses of all kinds.
The Chair or Chair-elect of the Division can help and support you with your application. Members interested in joining the Virus Division are encouraged to email [email protected] to discuss the available roles.
Learn more about the Virus Division.

Each Division is led by a Chair and Chair-elect who also sit on the Scientific Conferences Panel. The Chair also sits on the Building Communities Committee.
One vacancy
Term of office is two years as Chair elect from January 2026 to December 2027 and then two years as Chair from January 2028 to December 2029
Time commitment approximately 20 days per year
This position is appointed by the Board of Trustees, in consultation with the Advisory Council and on the recommendation of the Appointments Panel.
Role description:

Elected Members
Four vacancies
Seeking candidates working in:
Translational virology
General Virology (molecular/cellular)
General Virology (systems approaches)
General Virology (DNA viruses)
Term of office is three years from January 2026 to December 2028
These vacancies are elected by the membership.
Role description:

There is one additional vacancy available on the Virus Division for a representative from the Early Career Forum. See the Early Career Forum Executive Committee section for details.
The Microbiology Society is a Member Society of the Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS). The appointed FEMS Delegate attends the FEMS Council and is an essential liaison between the FEMS Council and the Society’s Advisory Council and Trustee Board.
One vacancy
Term of office is three years from January 2026 to December 2028
Time commitment approximately 4-5 days per year
This position is appointed by the Board of Trustees, in consultation with the Advisory Council and on the recommendation of the Appointments Panel.
Role description:

Infection Science Representative
Working with the Building Communities Committee, the two Infection Science Representatives ensure that the Society is providing opportunities relevant to the infection science, clinical, health-related and medical microbiology communities. They make sure that the Society capitalises on opportunities in infection science through its conferences, events and journal content so that these activities better reflect the wider microbiology community.
One vacancy
Term of office is two years as Representative-elect from January 2026 to December 2027 and two years as Representative from January 2028 to December 2028
Time commitment approximately 7-8 days per year
This position is appointed by the Board of Trustees, in consultation with the Advisory Council and on the recommendation of the Appointments Panel.
Role description:

Other ways to get involved
As well as the vacancies listed above, there are many other ways you can get involved with the Society and have your say. We have outlined some examples below and you can find out more via our Get Involved page.
Governance Shadowing Scheme
If you would like to know more about what it is like to sit on our governance structure but do not yet want to commit to applying for a full term, you can apply to our Governance Shadowing Scheme to be put in touch with a current member of the governance structure and sit in on one of their meetings.
Read more about the Governance Shadowing Scheme.
Journal Editorial Boards
Recruitment for our journal Editorial Boards runs on a different cycle to the other vacancies across our governance structure. These are advertised via our jobs page.
Society Champions
Champions help to promote microbiology and the Society in their local area by initiating activities and events of their own or participating in Society-led activities.
Find out more about becoming a Champion via our Society Champions page.
Prize Award Panel
Every year, we present six Prize Lectures at our Annual Conference. The Prizes Award Panel – which considers prize nominations and recommends the recipients of these awards to Advisory Council – is composed entirely of volunteers from the membership. Applications for joining the Prizes Award Panel in 2025 (which considers winners for 2026) will open soon.
Frequently Asked Questions
Find out the answers to any questions you might have about applying to join our governance.